Hi everyone. Again, it has been a while since I have been blogging. Due to illness this winter. i am back at it once again and have many new ideas and experiences to share with you.
Today is MLK Day and I have to say what an honorable man! He has been the inspiration and given us all hope for peace, love, fairness, and freedom from the awful racism that has been going on way to long in our country and the whole world! Dr. Martin Luther King was truly a man of God. I believe God used him to send a great message that will ring through all generations throughout all time. Freedom is for all men and women children and babies of all races, nationalities, all peoples.
God created us all in His image and has never had a respecter of persons. God tells us to love others as we love ourselves, plain and simple. We are the human race! Black, yellow, red, white,and any other color. Our colors all of them, make us unique and beautiful. Our hearts can be full of hate and ugliness, or love and peace.
I pray we live each day as brothers and sisters, as human beings who teach our children there is no difference in people because of the color of their skin. That love is the key to peace and no one is better than the other. We live in a dangerous world and we need to come together in love and pull together to stop the evil of hate in the world.
Al people can choose to be good or bad no matter what color of the skin. Once this reality is realized we can stop pointing fingers in division of races.
I have learned so much in the last few months about people. i am so thankful for the wonderful man that came into my life. Kilby, who is American, of African American decent. He and his family are wonderful people! What we have in common is a grandmother of his, was mostly Irish, and a grandfather mostly, or all, American Indian. These two nationalites are also my ancestors. And we have love! :) I love this beautiful handsome sweet man!
My meeting and enjoying his beautiful, wonderful family has opened my eyes to both the prejudices still alive in America, but how easily these are broken down when we get to know each other and give love a chance.
I hope this touches your heart today and you as well as I have, will let go of any prejudice you have learned from society and join in Martin Luther Kings great dream, and love your neighbor as yourself. Heaven will be full of all the peoples here on earth. This makes me smile. Wouldn't it be nice to have some Heaven on earth also?
From my heart with love, Pamela
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